All career quizzes and simultations
The Backstabber
Not all co-workers are trustworthy. What’s the best way to defend yourself?
All career quizzes and simultations
Not all co-workers are trustworthy. What’s the best way to defend yourself?
So – you have to persuade people to do something but you have no actual authority to make it happen. Sound familiar?
Sometimes organizational politics and alliances can create chaos and confusion. You just want to do your job. How do you handle it?
Managing people will require you to deal with situations where the right course of action isn’t always clear. Like this one…
Bad meetings do happen to good people. What would you do?
Sooner or later everyone finds themselves in what feels like a chaotic work situation. So how do you handle it?
Working with people from other cultures poses challenges you may not be ready for. Are you up to it?
CSB Training LLC