Career Skills Articles

Site Overview

August 3, 2017 0

So we don’t want to waste your time so here’s a brief overview of the site. The site is all about practical information and advice that will help you succeed in your career. They (whoever […]

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  • We have all done it. You have a deadline to meet. Or you are falling behind with some key task. Or maybe a crisis is in progress. When things like this happen you DO have [...]
  • How you communicate on the job can boost your career or damage it – very quickly. Email, instant messaging, social networking, and even out-of-the-office events are just some of the things you should pay attention [...]
  • Meetings, meetings, meetings. We all know how important it is to be on time for a meeting. The last thing you want is to be late – holding everyone up, making people repeat things you [...]

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  • There are few things in one’s career that are as important as helping others succeed. I am not exaggerating. Helping other people out is how you build relationships, get recognized, and get people talking about [...]
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  • While times have changed and some dress codes have relaxed, how you dress on the job still matters. Don’t let it hold you back. Think of it as a way to give you an edge.
  • Take It All Game

    March 23, 2017 0
    How confident are you in your career skills? Try your hand at our version of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’.
  • Working with people from other cultures poses challenges you may not be ready for. Are you up to it?